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Janet Hennessy (Janet Triblets)

Westbrook High School
Class of 1979

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Janet Triblets - Class of 1979 - Westbrook High School
First Name Janet
Last Name Hennessy
Maiden Name Triblets
Graduation Year Class of 1979
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province MN
Country United States
Occupation Stay At Home Mom
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Hanging out with Debbie Wilcox. Playing Tennis
About Me I went to college in Boston. I worked in Retail Management for Filene's and The Limited. I met my husband, Bill, and I moved to Minneapolis in 1991. I have a daughter, 22 and a son, 18. We still try ...(read more)
Janet Triblets - Class of 1979 - Westbrook High School

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Dawn Munson

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Christina Petsch

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