55 Year Reunion
Aldario's Restaurant
Friday, August, 21, 2015. Free Cocktail party (cash bar) get-together at a location tbd.
Saturday evening, August, 22, 2015, 6:30 to 10:30 PM, A bargain at $40.00 per person enjoy our wonderful buffet dinner and dance at Aldario‘s Restaurant. It’s a casual dress affair, as usual with prizes, group picture, 50/50 raffle and more. Check out Aldario’s at: http://www.aldarios.com/ tel. (203)874-6096
Sunday morning, August, 23, 2015, Join us for our traditional brunch. Venue, cost and time will be determined . Details will be included on the invitation and will be mailed to you sometime in May of 2015 . Sunday brunch is a great time to say goodbye, good luck, exchange email addresses, facebook, twitter, etc.
Committee Members: Chair: Rosalie (Cusmano) Hess, (772)-223-9886, Debbie (Ryder) Anderson (203) 874 6042, Valerie (Ruddock) List (203) 877-0815, Marilyn (Lackey) Camacho (203) 878-2751, Don Kosa (203) 878-4214, Linda (Cignarale) Jenkins (203) 758-6974, and Harold Camacho harold2595@aol.com
Our primary (non-commercial) Web Site is: http://sites.google.com/site/milfordhighschoolclassof1960/
Friday, August 21st, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
ALDARIO'S RESTAURANT - - Another 3 day weekend is being planned for our enjoyment - This Is Only A Save The Date Notification For Our 50 Year Reunion - - A response form for making your dinner reservation for Saturday night with complete details, menu,
Friday, August 20th. Free Cocktail party (cash bar) get-together (Time & Place, To Be Determined) Friday, August 20th. For an additional cost, go on a Sunset Cruise 6 pm to 8:30pm. (it is out of New Haven Harbor at Long Warf). We encourage you to recruit classmates to join you to form your own group on this fun filled, bargain at $31.00 for the evening. Check it out on line @ schooner.org. In order to reserve a place for you or your group on the Schooner please call the cruise people at (203) 865-1737 Saturday morning and/or afternoon, August 21st., As your schedule permits: between the hours of 10 am to 6 pm, you can take advantage the ever popular Annual Milford Oyster Festival. There is Free live music and many food vendors at Fowler Field in Milford Center. Check it out at http://www.milfordoysterfestival.org/ Saturday evening August 21st., 6:30 to 10:30 PM, A bargain at $40.00 per person enjoy our wonderful buffet dinner and dance at Aldarios Restaurant. It is a casual dress affair, as usual with prizes, group picture, 50/50 raffle and more. Check out Aldarios at: http://www.aldarios.com/ tel. (203)874-6096 Sunday, morning August 22nd, For $12.00 per person (as of this date) join us for our traditional brunch at Montys River Grille at the Great River Golf Club off Wheelers Farms Road. Check it out at: http://greatrivergolfclub.com/ It is a great time to say goodbye, good luck, exchange email addresses, etc.
Saturday, August 21st, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details