50 Years Reunion
Sheraton, Mahwah
Dear Fellow Classmates: We are pleased to announce the 50-Years Reunion of the Mahwah High School Class of 1963! Here’s the information you need to attend: • Date: September 27-29, 2013 • Location: Sheraton Crossroads Hotel 1 International Blvd. Rt. 17 North Mahwah, NJ 07495 1-888-627-8146 (This is the same hotel we used in ’88.) • Room rate: $113.85/night, taxes included. • Saturday night dinner: The Illusions Room 4:30-8:30PM $60.00 per person (includes taxes, gratuity and Class Directory). Make your hotel reservation not later than September 1, 2013. Call 1-888-627-8146. Tell them you are with the Mahwah High School Class of ’63. Tell them whether you want to stay Friday and Saturday nights or just Saturday night. We’ll start gathering on Friday evening, September 27, around 7PM in our Hospitality Suite at the Sheraton. We’re exploring optional events during the day on Saturday, maybe even a tour of the High School. If we organize them, they will be “pay-as-you-go” and we’ll let you know about them (and if any costs are involved) on Friday night. Everyone will want to make the big event on Saturday night. Sunday morning brunch is optional at the State Line Diner on Rte. 17N. Marianne Triolo Downs is the Reunion Treasurer. As soon as you know you’re attending, send her a check made out to Marianne Downs for $60.00 times the number of people in your party. We’d like to receive your check by September 1, 2013. That way, we’ll have a good idea about how many are coming to have enough food and bar staff. Marianne’s address is: 250 Newport Way, Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087 Tear off the little form at the end of this letter and include it with your check. Make sure the names on the form are as you would like them on the badges. We’ll have them ready for you on Friday night. We have located EVERY member of the Class of ’63 and we want everyone who wants to come to be able to do so. We understand that travel expenses and lodging, on top of the Reunion weekend costs, may keep some of those who wish to attend from joining us. Your attendance with us is much more important than your financial position. A strictly confidential fund is being established for anyone who may need some financial help. Please do not feel embarrassed to ask; we really want you there. If you need some help, or you want to contribute to the fund to help others, contact Skip Kelly (Mayorskip@Hotmail.com) or at (201) 666-3352. Any money contributed to the fund but not used to help classmates attend the Reunion will be gifted to MHS in memory of our deceased classmates. If you have ANY questions, concern or suggestions, please contact Bob Shaver at (rshaver07@gmail.com) or at (512) 666-5950. We want to express a special appreciation to Gloria Klaschka Abrams Pease and John Schaeffer for their tireless and continuing work to locate us all and provide the Class Directory. We need your biography! If you haven’t seen what others have said about their lives, or contributed your own piece to it, please go to http:/nanaglo2.tripod.com/1C1963DirectoryCover.html before September 13 so we can include you in the copy we’ll distribute at our Reunion. Tell us what schools or colleges you attended, what positions you have held and what is/was your line of work. Are you retired now? Are you married, divorced or single? Do you have children, grand children, great grandchildren? Any favorite hobbies or pastimes? Is there something you’re especially proud of? What is your favorite MHS or childhood memory? If you don’t have access to a computer, you can mail your biography to Gloria Pease at 1040 Violet Ave., #29, Hyde Park, NY 12538. If you can’t attend, but still want a copy of the Class Directory, you’ll be able to purchase one, after October 1, 2013, for $5.00, via mail, from Gloria. The work to find everyone and plan this Reunion has been fun and rewarding. In some cases, we re-connected friends that had lost touch and they have begun anew. Other friendships that began in school remain as strong, or stronger, than they ever were. But, as of this writing, we’ve already lost seventeen members of our class. Given the realities of life, this may be the last, and best, time for all of us to get together again so we hope that you will make an extra effort to come and join your classmates in September. The Reunion Committee members, and your fellow classmates, are looking forward to seeing you! Skip, Marianne, Ginger, Steve, Joanne, Bob and Bob ____________________________Tear Here_________________________________________ Name of Attendee(s) as they should be on the name badge: Your Name: ____________________________ E-Mail address: _____________ Telephone # : _____________________ Your Guest’s name: ______________________ Reunion Dinner ($60.00/per person includes Directory): $__________ Contribution to the Fund: $____________ Total of Your Check: $_________________
Friday, September 27th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details