Kolbe Cathedral High School Alumni
Bridgeport, Connecticut (CT)
Kolbe Cathedral High School - Class of 1973 Alumni, Bridgeport CT
Join 9 alumni from Kolbe Cathedral High School Class of 1973. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Darlene Darlene Devan
Class of 1973
William Delalley
Class of 1973
Mary Kowalewski
Class of 1973
Doreen Orlovsky
Class of 1973
Mary Kowalewski
Class of 1973
Lee Tsouris
Class of 1973
Judith Sienkiewicz
Class of 1973
Dominick Esposito
Class of 1973
Anne Peterson
Class of 1973
Nearby Kolbe Cathedral Classmates
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Class of 1972
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Class of 1974
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Class of 1975
5 classmates have joined