Kolbe Cathedral High School Alumni
Bridgeport, Connecticut (CT)
Kolbe Cathedral High School - Class of 1972 Alumni, Bridgeport CT
Join 11 alumni from Kolbe Cathedral High School Class of 1972. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Joann Ungvarski
Class of 1972
Jerry Janosko
Class of 1972
Linda Nykaza
Class of 1972
Beryl Holmes
Class of 1972
Ron Dabrowski
Class of 1972
Judy Navay
Class of 1972
Mike Meehan
Class of 1972
Carol LeClaire
Class of 1972
Sean Wade
Class of 1972
Joan Warga
Class of 1972
Betty Lopez
Class of 1972
Nearby Kolbe Cathedral Classmates
Class of 1970
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Class of 1971
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Class of 1973
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Class of 1974
5 classmates have joined