Thomas Jefferson High School Alumni
Denver, Colorado (CO)
Thomas Jefferson High School - Class of 1961 Alumni, Denver CO
Join 16 alumni from Thomas Jefferson High School Class of 1961. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Evelyn Woods
Class of 1961
Charles Elliott
Class of 1961
Charles Strassman
Class of 1961
Stephen Strauss
Class of 1961
Cheryl Yoder
Class of 1961
Joe Joe Mayer
Class of 1961
Helen Bauman
Class of 1961
Carolyn Kay Malkewicz
Class of 1961
Rita Garvey
Class of 1961
Susan Shikles
Class of 1961
Leonard Smith
Class of 1961
Suzie Juhnke
Class of 1961
Paul Pierce
Class of 1961
Jim Jim Gordon
Class of 1961
Robert Roth
Class of 1961
Dwight Meredith
Class of 1961
Nearby Thomas Jefferson Classmates
Class of 1962
15 classmates have joined
Class of 1963
19 classmates have joined