Prince Of Wales Collegiate Alumni

St. John's, Newfoundland And Labrador (NL)

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Prince Of Wales Collegiate Reunions

Past Reunions:

Class of 1970 50th + 2 reunion. 2022
Location: Comfort Hotel
Details: Dear PWC 1970 High School Friends, Finally, we are good to go with the long-awaited reunion

The dates for our reunion are:
Friday July 29th, Rockhouse Bar: Saturday July 30th, Comfort Hotel: Sunday 31st, 2022 Topsail Beach.

These two days were carefully selected as many of our classmates and friends are now living outside of St. John’s and many in other parts of the country and further. Once we connect with them, it may take some time to make arrangements to come home. In addition, the many community activities that are happening at this time, such as the famous George Street Festival and of course the Royal St. John's Regatta, as well as other annual folk, arts and recreational activities, may further entice you to be here.

This is how you can get the reunion information and get connected
We have a number of social media platforms that you can join to get updated information on the reunion details as they are being finalized. Also, we need your help in locating as many classmates and high school friends as possible. In order to expedite this, we ask that you pass along the following links to whomever you know in order to generate their interest.

A PWC Reunion1970 facebook page is created. You can Google this title or use this link to get more details, see responses from those of you who are interested and of course it’s a place to share your suggestions and questions about the reunion.

The PWC Alumni site is already active with many past students from our high school years. It is a great place to connect with others, get more details on the reunion and get a response to your questions and suggestions. Its easy and fun to join. Just follow the prompts.

An email address has been created which is helping us collect the contact information from all of you who respond with interest.
Responding to this email address
will help us determine the number of people interested and are considering coming to the reunion. Responding by the end of February can help us get more of the details finalized. Then by the end of March we are planning to have a formal online registration process where you can register anytime day or night. Confirmation of your registration will be sent to you via email.

When you send an email to, please add your telephone number as well, just in case we need to contact you this way.

Here are the reunion links again

A PWC Reunion1970 facebook

The PWC Alumni site

The PWC reunion 1970 email address


PWC Collegian ( our yearbook)
This is fun to look at but can also help you track down some of your friends and send along our links

Prince of Wales Collegiate

Prince of Wales Collegiate Archives –Facebook

We are getting excited about this reunion and we hope you are too. Looking forward to hearing from you and many others.
When: Friday, July 29th, 2022 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1970
Event Details
Class of 1974
Location: BIS Club
Details: We have made arrangements for a buffet dinner to begin 6:30 p.m.
When: Thursday, August 14th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1974
Event Details

Plan a Reunion Event

Anyone can plan a reunion on our Prince Of Wales Collegiate site.

1. Choose a date and location.
2. Invite graduating class(es).
3. Sell Tickets (optional).

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