Opheim High School Alumni

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Scott Ross

Opheim High School
Class of 1982

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Scott Ross - Class of 1982 - Opheim High School
First Name Scott
Last Name Ross
Graduation Year Class of 1982
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province SD
Country United States
Occupation prod. worker
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory the football season of 81.
About Me Went to Votec in SD and got marred. Lived in MT for i year then back to SD for 4 year. Lived i MN for about 2 years then back to SD. The first 5 years I worked in 3 Butcher plants then took a job as formen in a lawnirrigation com for about 4years. Then I worked for a Box com. for 7 years. moved to a place that built foam panled walls for homes or buisnes and some went to the South Pole to replace the Dome that was getting buired by the snow. For the last 10 years I'm working in the fabrication shop for Angus Palm. They manufacture rollover cab protection. We build the cabs for both of the world largest Mining trucks. The Case Newhollend combine cabs, John Deer and Catipiller are the front runners. My wife Pam were blessed with 2 boys Deick and Dustin and dater Dana. Derick works for Terex as a drafter for Boom trucks. He gave us 2 grand sons Bradyn & Jadyn . Dustin worked as a motocycle tec. in Souxicity IO for 3 yeas and now is the 2ns year Instuctor for motocycle macanics at Iowalakes co...(read more)
Scott Ross - Class of 1982 - Opheim High School

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Lynnette Walstad

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