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Miller Comprehensive High School - Class of 1983 Alumni, Regina SK

Join 10 alumni from Miller Comprehensive High School Class of 1983. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Gerry Fincati

Gerry Fincati
Class of 1983

Shelley Aspelieter

Shelley Aspelieter
Class of 1983

Anthony Gebert

Anthony Gebert
Class of 1983

Rob Spelliscy

Rob Spelliscy
Class of 1983

Larae Pavelick

Larae Pavelick
Class of 1983

Tony Playter

Tony Playter
Class of 1983

Michele Johnson

Michele Johnson
Class of 1983

Paul Coupe

Paul Coupe
Class of 1983

Wade Schaffer

Wade Schaffer
Class of 1983

Carrie Bearss

Carrie Bearss
Class of 1983

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