Miller Comprehensive High School Alumni
Regina, Saskatchewan (SK)
Miller Comprehensive High School - Class of 1979 Alumni, Regina SK
Join 12 alumni from Miller Comprehensive High School Class of 1979. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Daniel Daniel Pritchard
Class of 1979
Brian Richard
Class of 1979
Michelle Kritzer
Class of 1979
Roger L'arrivee
Class of 1979
Norene Hicke
Class of 1979
Heather Johnson
Class of 1979
Sherrill Button
Class of 1979
Andrew Cross
Class of 1979
Kelly Crowley
Class of 1979
Brad Hanoski Hanoski
Class of 1979
Jamie Bresciani
Class of 1979
Garth Domm
Class of 1979
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