Michael Krop High School Alumni
Miami, Florida (FL)
Yessenia Thomas
Michael Krop High School
Class of 2001
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First Name | Yessenia |
Last Name | Thomas |
Graduation Year | Class of 2001 |
Gender | Female |
Hometown | South Miami, Florida |
Relationship Status | Married |
About Me | Is this suppose to be the introduction speech or about me part? If so i am one confused soul. That should sum it up. FrIenDs anD famIly CalL ME YESSI*I'M 30 yEARs oLD**MOtHER TO A bEAUtIFuL 8 YeaR OLd GiRL**SiSTeR TO A PAiN IN My BUtT BrOTHER SHaWN **DAuGHTeR TO A MoM WhO dID THe BeST SHe COULD ON HeR OWn FOr US ANd NeVER TOLD ME nO AND NOw I AM A SpOLID BrAt LOL**I LIvE IN Fort.Irwin,CA foR the tIme BeIng.. BUt WAS RaISED IN THe CouNTY Of DaDE (305) As THEY SAY:o)**I LOvE SouTH pOiNTE,,SouTH bEACH**LiKE CoLD StONE CREAMERY**I sAY I WANt MOrE KIdS ONe DAY BUt I DoN'T THiNK It WiLL HApPEN SINcE I DON'T HaVE MUCh PATiNCE**I lIKE My JOb**I DIsLIKE FAkE pEOPLE AND FEEL THERE ARe Too MANY OF THEM ARoUND**i FEEL bLESSED**I liKE BIKE RiDING**I SINg IN THe SHoWER**DoN'T LiKE DRIViNG**lOVE AttENTioN I AM A lEo COMES WITH THe TERRITORY**vERY SPOILED**SpRING TIME IS THE BEST**FISHeS ARe YUCKY**MEXICAN AND ITALIAN FOOD ARE THe BeST**Don'T LIKE TALKiNG ON THE pHONE**Very Bad aT rEturning phOne caLLs**Like tO cook nEw thinGs**stIll wAtch sEinfeld**Would LIke to see australia onE day**BaTman is the bEst**joeL osTeen enlightns me**Want's a dEssErt turtle**sCarEd of heights**BelievEs whAt is menT 2 bE will alWays finD it's waY**dOn't knoW hoW stronG i reaLly am**Talks a loT at times**mayBe i sHould hAve been a meRmaid sinCe i like wAter so much lOl**LIKeS TO HElP pEOPLE**LOvE HiP HoP**OpEN TO NEW ThiNGS**SoMETIMeS CONcEITED**LOvES FLiP FLOPS**lovE 2 ShOP**i dON't like mY feeT tOUched**sIngs in thE sHOwer**wishEs to diE like thE couple in the noTebook**don't correct me when iM wrOng**Can noT sTand peOple thAt liE foR no ReasON**Get's intO phases of ReadINg books a lO...(read more) |

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Ursula Versace
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Vickie Poliard
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Daniella Ochoa
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