East Central High School Alumni

Sandstone, Minnesota (MN)

AlumniClass Home  >  Minnesota  >  East Central High School  >  Class of 2012  >  David David Spiczka

David Spiczka (David David Spiczka)

East Central High School
Class of 2012

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→ There are 52 classes, starting with the class of 1945 all the way up to class of 2012.


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No photo uploaded
First Name David
Last Name Spiczka
Maiden Name David Spiczka
Graduation Year Class of 2012
No photo uploaded

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Dustyn Gjesvold

Dustyn Gjesvold
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Anjela Ross

Anjela Ross
Class of 2006

Bettina Bonde

Bettina Bonde
Class of 1988

Dave David Spiczka Jr

Dave David Spiczka Jr
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Mikal Holm

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April Hager

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Class of 1997

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Class of 2005

David Prescott

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Rose Nelson

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Class of 1969

Amber Dewitt

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Class of 1999

Bill Sandwick

Bill Sandwick
Class of 1969

Jim Danielson

Jim Danielson
Class of 1977

Lynnette Peterson

Lynnette Peterson
Class of 1988

George Johnson

George Johnson
Class of 1987

Jessica Weber

Jessica Weber
Class of 2006

Rose Ryals

Rose Ryals
Class of 1976

Katherine Gutknecht

Katherine Gutknecht
Class of 1995

Julieanne Ridgway (johnson)

Julieanne Ridgway (johnson)
Class of 1988

Elmer Glue

Elmer Glue
Class of 1994

Luanne Volk

Luanne Volk
Class of 2000